Lectures of interest to be given today and Monday include the following:
10 O'clock
"Nicholas I and Russia," Professor Karpovich, Sever 21.
"Seward's Far Eastern Policy," Professor Baxter, Harvard 2.
"The Simplest Animals," Professor Parker, Geological Lecture Room.
"Classification of Recent Philosophical Tendencies," Professor Perry, Emerson A.
"A Beethoven Sonata," played by Mr. Joyce Feldman, violinist, and Professor Ballantine, Music Building.
11 O'clock
"Diplomatic Methods in the Sixteenth Century," Professor Merriman, Emerson J.
"Homer; the Architecture of the Poems," Mr. Peterkin, Sever 17.
10 O'clock
"The German Revolution of 1918," Dr. Friedrich, Old Fogg Museum.
"Kepler and Galileo," Professor Stetson, Astronomical Laboratory.
12 O'clock
"The Forum at Pompell and the Roman Forum Illustrated," Professor Conant, Robinson Hall.
"Tropical Colonization," Professor Usher, Widener U.
"Chopin's Life," Professor Hill, Music Building.
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Eliot Sunday Preacher