

A strange and unnatural horror is about to be perpetrated under the very poses of that splendid organization for the suppression of the immoral and the obscene in Boston, the Watch and Ward Society. Since time immemorial the Boston Common has been the high domain and secure retreat of the prolific pigeon. For years these delightful little feathered friends of men have lived and died, loved, wooed and wed, eaten our peanuts, gotten under our feet, and played the "scenic" role, protected not persecuted. Now it seems they are grown too numerous for their visible means of support and are doomed to death by starvation or a worse-than-death existence with enforced birth control. The method is simple. Once lured within specially constructed shelters wherein they will be persuaded to nest, the rest is left to the cruelty of man. A squad of attendants will follow the unsuspecting birds and while they are out for the day remove from their nests the new laid eggs.

The develish ingenuity of this plan to deprive the poor pigeon of a happy old age surrounded by a circle of his loved ones can do nothing but outrage the feelings of all God fearing people, who will see in this nothing but a new attempt to endanger the sanctity of the home and the sacred institution of marriage.
