
Union Announces List of Valentine Dance Ushers and Patronesses--Festivity to Take Place on February 17

The list of ushers and patronesses for the Valentine Dance to be held at the Union on Friday, February 17, was announced yesterday. Mrs. Mitchell Gratwick is to be the Head Patroness, and she will be assisted by Mrs. Paul Birdsall, Mrs. Robert Raymond, Mrs. George P. Baker, and Mrs. Minton Warren. The dance will be held from 9 o'clock to 2 o'clock, and music will be furnished by Dok Eisenbourg and his Sinfonians.

In choosing the ushers, the Union has selected men from both the College and the Graduate Schools. The head usher has not yet been selected, but the following is the list of ushers as announced yesterday:

John Barker Jr. 1L, Marvin Burt '28, E. F. Clark Jr. '28, Le Baron R. Foster '28, Russell Foster '28, Z. B. Keim '29, E. J. Latham '30, J. W. McCullock 2L, A. T. Safford 2L, J. E. Spike '29, P. W. Williams '25, Douglas Vernon 1L.
