
The Student Vagabond

Omnivorous as he is in questions of academic food, the Vagabond this morning has two quite different items on his bill of fare. At 10 o'clock in Harvard 3 he will satisfy a historical appetite by hearing Professor Haring speak on "The Indian in the Spanish Colonies." Two hours later a trip to the Geology lecture room at 12 o'clock should help satisfy his curiosity about the physical world, for Professor Mather will there explain one of the forces that helped mold it into its present form in a lecture on. "The Action of Waves and Currents."

Other Choices for today and tomorrow are:


10 o'clock

"The Indian in the Spanish Colonies." Professor Haring, Harvard 3.


11 o'clock

"Geology of Spain", Professor Collet, Geology Museum 23.

"Early Didactic Novelists", Dr. Maynadies Sever 11.

"The Electorate and the Administration", J. F. Sly, Sever 23.

"The Melodrama before the Romantic Drama", Professor Allard, Emerson A.

12 o'clock

"The Work of Waves and Currents", Professor Mather, Geology Lecture Room.

2 o'clock

"Francisco Madero", Professor Haring, Sever 7.

"Classification of Birds: the Older Groups", Professor Allen, Zoology Laboratory 46.
