"Resolved, That the economic prosperity of the United States is unfavorable to its morals," is the subject of the debate with Amherst which is to be held at 8.15 o'clock tonight in John Knowles Paine Concert Hall.
The University Debating Team, composed f.A.L. Raffa, OcC, and C. L. Fox, ocC, with F. C. Fiechter '32 as alternate, will take the affirmative stand against F. T. Vombaur '28, and W. F. Stammler '28, of Amherst. Judges of the debate will be the audience, who will be asked to decide on the winners. Tickets may be obtained for $.50. There are no reserved seats.
A western trip and a southern trip have also been announced for the debating team. The former will come in the early spring and will be for the purpose of meeting western universities on the rostra. The schedule for this has not yet ben decided on, but will probably include the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago. The plans for the southern trip, which will take place later in the spring, probably in April, are as yet in an undeveloped state.
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