Men will start to work tearing down the old wooden stands, used by generations of game spectators and cursed by them for draughts and splinters, according to Dennis Enright, guardian of Soldiers Field, yesterday in an interview. This is the last time they will ever be whole, for a final curse has been, brought down upon them by the Boston Fire Department.
Mr. Enright has often torn down the stands with a goodbye blessing in his heart, only to see them rise again the next fall after the track season, when a 220 yard straight-away is necessary. This time, how ever, he feels sure is final, because the stands have been pronounced unsafe as a fire hazard.
The loose boards will be stored at the west end of the Freshman baseball field, where they will be out of the way for the time being. They may be used later to cover up the football field or be put away for use is board walks in years to come.
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