Nominations for the Junior Class officers have been made as follows, according to an announcement made last night by W. R. Harper '30, retiring president of the class:
For President
Guy Constant Holbrook Jr., of Clifton, Mass.
William Potter Lage, of New York City.
Thomas Frothington Mason, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
For Vice-President
Bernard Barnes, of New Hartford, Conn.
Foster Stone Davis, of Concord, N. H.
Gardner Lothrop Lewis, of Swampscott, Mass.
For Secretary-Treasurer
Clarence Elkins Galston, of Woodmere, N. Y.
Herbert Tenney Holbrook, of Milwaukee, Wis.
Josiah Warner Potter, of Milwaukee, Wis.
Howard Theodore Wenner, of Northampton, Pa.
Voting for the nominees will take place by mailed ballot. Petitions, signed by 20 eligible voters, to add additional names to the ballot may be taken to Claverly 53. The list of nominees will remain open for additional names until 6 o'clock on Monday when the ballots will be closed. As soon as it is possible to get them printed they will be mailed to members of the class of 1930 and must be marked and mailed back.
Eligible voters are all those who entered Harvard with the Class of 1930, and are at present in good standing.