
The Student Vagabond

Whichever divinity is responsible for the selection of courses to be given at Harvard has so arranged matters that at present any one interested enough in Shakespeare to attend lectures about him has a wealth of opportunities. Several courses are devoted entirely to his works and many more discuss him in various aspects. Those who wish to add to their knowledge of the great dramatist and have never heard Professor Murray discuss Shakespeare should not fall to attend his lectures on that subject to be given today and Thursday at 10 o'clock in Sever 11.

Other lectures of interest today and tomorrow are:


9 o'clock

"The Defeat of the Spanish Armada", Professor Merriman, Harvard 6.


10 o'clock

"The Oregon Boundary Dispute". J. P. Baxter, Harvard 3.

"Shakespeare", Professor Murray, Sever 11.

11 o'clock

"The XVI Century in German Literature", Professor Howard, Sever 6.

"Hours of Labor", Professor Persons, Sever 18.

12 o'clock

"The Council of the League of Nations", E. C. Wynne, Harvard 3.


9 o'clock

"The Political and Social Philosophy and Mencius", Professor Porter, Sever 25.

11 o'clock

"Phidias", Professor Chase, Fogg Lecture Room.

12 o'clock

"Merchants and Middlemen of the Middle Ages", A. P. Usher, Widener U.

"Gluck and Opera Reform", Professor Hill, Music Building.

2 o'clock

"European Central Banks", Professor Williams, Harvard 6.

"The Classic Element in Medieval Narrative", Professor Rand, Sever 14.

4.30 o'clock

"Expressionism in Germany", Professor Pauli, Fogg Lecture Room.
