

Session Will be Held Three Times Per Week--Recreation and Training are Sole Purpose

Complying with the increasing demand during past years for a wrestling class which will serve for conditioning and yet not entail the strenuous work required from candidates for the various teams. Coach W. E. Lewis has decided to inaugurate a new, purely recreational class. The growing popularity of this sport has taxed the faculties of the Hemenway gymnasium to the utmost, so that this year the new class will be started, and held at a separate time from the other meetings. Men may sign up in the wrestling room any time within the next two weeks.

Two or Three Meetings Weekly

The new class will meet two or three times a week and will have the benefit of special coaching and attention from coach W. E. Lewis. Wrestling has been recognized lately as of great value in keeping men in the best possible condition and increasing weight.

There are more candidates out for the various wrestling teams this year than ever before in the history of the sport, and with several aspirants for every position on the team all the classes should be well fitted. Captain Joseph Lifrack '29 will in all probability work in the 145-pound class instead of the 135, where he wrestled last year, as Coach Lewis has pronounced himself radically opposed to the practice of getting down to weight. He considers it detrimental to the best interests of the team as a whole for men weighing eight or nine pounds above the class they are trying for to work out with the lighter men in that class.
