

Smith Hall, Sigma Alpha Mu Contend for Touch Football Title--Graduate Basketball Teams Clash

While the intramural touch football season reaches its climax today in the game for the championship of the University, the graduate school, 1932, and Fraternity basketball teams hold their initial meetings.

The touch football crown will be contested for this afternoon by the Smith Hall team and Sigma Alpha Mu contingent. The former won the interdormitory series, the latter the interfraternity series. Both teams were slated to meet Friday, when the bad weather, the indisposal of some of the members, and the absence of others, made a postponement to this afternoon necessary. Both team are ready today, however, to stake their claims to the intramural crown on a single game at 3 o'clock on Soldiers Field. Medals will be presented to all members of the winning team.

The basketball season for graduate teams open this afternoon at the Hemenway Gymnasium with three games between graduate school representations.

At 2 o'clock the first Law School team meets the third outfit from the same school in the opening clash, followed by Business School 2 versus Law School 2 at 3 o'clock. The day's matches will end with a game between Business School 1 and School of Arts and Sciences 1 at 4 o'clock.

At 5 o'clock candidates for the 1932 quintet will meet at the Freshman Gymnasium to be organized by A. W. Samborski '26, coach of the first year courtmen.


At 7 o'clock Samborski will meet representatives of the Fraternities at the same place to form a Fraternity indoor basketball league
