Playing in their first game of the season yesterday afternoon the Freshman basketball team downed the Tilton Academy quintet, 35 to 29, in the Freshman Athletic Building.
The first quarter was marked by fumbles and miss-plays on the part of both teams. The Crimson quickly fell into its stride beginning with the second quarter, and continued on the offensive throughout the remainder of the contest.
The Crimson was leading at the end of the half 21-7.
In a vain attempt to recover, Tilton's scoring combination, composed of Wayne and Butler, rang up five goals in the third quarter. Harvard was hardly put on the defensive, when Holland, Harvard's promising forward, dribbled the ball down to the other end of the floor, where it remained, with a few exceptions, through the rest of the game.
With the exception of Tilton's spurt at the beginning of the second half, the game was entirely in Harvard's hands.
The summary: Score: Harvard 35, Tilton 29. Goals from floor: Holland 6; Bicknell 3, Pattison 3, Moushegian 2, Frierbringer, Wayne 7, Butler 4, Raynor. Goals from fouls: Moushegian 3, Holland 2, Wayne 2, Butler. Timekeeper--Cannon. Referee-Cragen. Time of quarters--10 minutes.
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