
The Student Vagabond

The lectures of most interest today are as follows:


"The Muscle System of Vertebrates", Professor Rand, Zoology Laboratory 11.

10 o'clock

"Russian History in XVIII th century; general survey", Professor Karpovitch, Sever 25.


"William Cullen Bryant", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.

"Beethoven", (continued) Professor Spalding, Music Building.

"The Tribe of Ben", P. W. Souers Sever 11.

12 o'clock

"Leken, deBreville, Roparts", Professor Hill, Music Building.

"The United States and the World Court", Mr. Wynne, Harvard 3.

2 o'clock

"Lucas van Leyden" Professor Pault, Fogg Lecture Room.
