

Newly-elected Premier Maniu of Roumania, in taking America, the golden goose of Europe, as his model for the reorganization of his country, has the eyes of the world upon him. His task is likely to be an irritating one, for when he accomplishes his proposed removal of obnoxious taxes on foreign trade and foreign capital, the holding of "fair elections," and provisions for a clean government, he will already have outstripped his model. By strict adherence to it, he can do no more than develop tariff battles, intervention policies, brass-knuckled good-will trips, Smith-Vare disbarments, and an oil scandal.

It is only when he really dips into American home life and commences his cultivation of speakeasies, gun-men, petty grafters, ward politicians, and such evidences of a highly civilized federation that he can be said to have achieved the true American kultur. The one existing institution comparable to any in America has just been banished by Premier Maniu, and now, in strict pursuance of his policy of imitation, he must recall the governing body of aristocrats that was for so long Roumania's Tammany Hall. The world is eying Premier Maniu, America gratifiedly, and the rest with politely concealed but horrified misgivings. May he, in his innocence, discover before it is too late the disastrous consequences of becoming as civilized as America.
