

Potter Chosen Secretary-Treasurer of Class--Preferential System Used in Marking Ballots

Guy Constant Holbrook, Jr., '30, of Clifton has been elected president of the Junior class according to the election returns given out last night by W. R. Harper '30, retiring, president of the class. Holbrook prepared at Newton High School and has been prominent in Harvard athletics as center on this year's University hockey team. A year ago he was a substitute back on the University football team but was prevented from playing this year because of injuries.

Gardner Lothrop Lewis, Jr., '30, of Swampscott, who prepared for Harvard at Exeter Academy, was elected vice-president of the class. Lewis was captain of the second University football team this fall and is a member of the Student Council as well as chairman of the Senior Dormitory Committee.

The office of secretary-treasurer of the Class of 1930 was won by Josiah Warren Potter '30, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who prepared at Riverside High School before coming to Harvard. Potter has been a member of the University football squad for the past two years and also participated in the University track meets as a shot putter.

The elections were carried on by mail and were conducted according to the preferential method which gives the election to the man with the lowest total in each case.

The results of the polling are as follows: For President G. C. Holbrook  519 R. H. O'Connell  706 T. F. Mason  805 W. P. Lage  841 For Vice-President G. L. Lewis  550 Bernard Barnes  620 F. S. Davis  695 For Secretary-Treasurer J. W. Potter  619 H. T. Wenner  678 C. E. Galston  815 H. T. Holbrook  829
