
The Student Vagabond

The next two days have the following lectures to recommend them to Vagabonders:


10 o'clock

"The Democratic Doctrine of Equality", Professor Perry, Emerson A.

"Beethoven", Professor Spalding, Music Building.


11 o'clock

"Dante's Convivio: I", Professor Grandgent, Sever 19.

"Dramatic Work of Thomas Otway", Professor Murray, Harvard 3.

12 o'clock

"Duparc", Professor Hill, Music Building.

"Recent Researches and Theories of the Form...of...Organisms", Professor Rand, Zoology Laboratory 46.

"The Permanent Court of International Justice", Mr. Wynne, Harvard 3.

2 o'clock

"The Wessex of Thomas Hardy", (illustrated) Professor Hersey, Emerson J.

"Hans Holbein", Professor Pauli, Fogg Lecture Room.
