
The Student Vagabond

Lectures of interest today are:


9 o'clock

"Vers de Societe and Humorous verse". Professor Rollins, Emerson A.

11 o'clock


"The Art of the Fourth Century B. C." Professor Chase Fogg Lecture Room.

"The Cultivation of Cotton", Professor Blanchard, Geology Museum 41

12 o'clock

"Political Parties, a Necessary Evil?" Professor Holcombe, Harvard 2.

"Mozart; his Life and Personality." Professor Hill, Music Building.

"Origin and Development of Guilds." Professor Usher, Widener U.

2 o'clock

"The Federal Reserve System". Professor Williams, Harvard 6.

3 o'clock

"The Renaissance of Medieval Script" (illustrated) Professor Rand, Emerson J.
