

Initial Appearance in College, Will be at Union--Concert Scheduled for 7.15 O'clock

The Harvard Glee Club will give its first concert of the year in Cambridge when it appears Sunday night at 7.15 o'clock in the Living Room of the Union.

This is the first time in several years that the Glee Club has taken part in one of the regular Sunday night entertainment of the Union. In the past, these have been only short, 15 minute musicales. The longer programs are an innovation this year, and have been well supported F. K. Shuman, a pianist, has been engaged by the Union to play several solos. Mr. Shuman is a Boston musician.

The program is as follows: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men How Sweet, How Fresh Shoot, False Love Three Italian Folk Songs Dimmi, O Bella Tn Mi Vuoi  Williams Paxton Morley Cantu Di Caccia  Glee Club Piano Selections  Shuman Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring  J. S. Bach Chorus of "The Camel Drivers"  Cesar Franck O. Jesus Tender Shepherd  Arr. by Brahurs The Galway Piper  Irish Folk Song Chorus from "The Gondoliers" Sullivan
