

When Stover was last man for Skull and Bones, and thereby entered his charmed existence as the greatest Senior under the elms; there were only the dud explosions of the professional reformers or the envious non-quites to cry down an antique custom. Conditions charged in the next couple of decades, but yet it fell to the Junior Fraternities to take the blame. Tap Day might be a deadly twenty-four hours, but it came in the spring, when one reads of Blue teams only on page ten; the lesser elections blossom perversely in the antumn, and that is the time when football, and only football, should all the mind. Down came the axe; and the corpse of fall rushing lies, neatly truncated, somewhere between Barkness and the Bowl.

At, Cambridge, one insinuates, the child never grew large and dangerous enough to require execution. The about face of the autumn's team may have saved the University from the wails of the Black Shirts. Stald Sever may continue to enjoy its annual laugh; the provisions dealer will not lose a profitable Black Shirts. Stald Sever may continue to enjoy its annual laugh; the provisions dealer will not lose a profitable trade; the prophet still has a potential wall for dull seasons. The three chorus their thanks to Allston and to New Haven, and silence settles over the fields and the fraternity houses for another ten months.
