

Junior Poll-Watchers Named--Secretary and Class Committee are Permanent Officers to be Elected

Elections of the second and final group of Senior officers will be held today in Sever and Harvard Halls from 9 to 4 o'clock and in Pierce Hall from 9 to 1 o'clock. A Permanent Secretary, a Permanent Class Committee of two, a Class Day Committee of seven, and an Album Committee of five members will be elected from the 40 nominees for office.

In balloting the voter must vote for the exact number of men to be elected to each office. A check is to be made opposite the name of one candidate for Permanent Secretary, two for the Permanent Class Committee, seven for the Class Day Committee, and five for the Album Committee. If a voter does not check the required number of candidates for each office, the votes cast by him for that particular position will be discarded, in order to prevent errors in the counting of votes. All ballots in order to be considered must be signed by the voter and checked in pencil.

A special committee composed of Juniors has been appointed for the purpose of taking charge of the poll and of counting the votes. This committee is headed by A. G. Churchill and includes John Cross, R. R. Forrester, C. E. Galston, J. R. Graham, Barrett Hoyt, Kendrick Kerna, W. P. Lage, A. B. Martin, H. P. Minis, J. R. Smith, C. M. Underhill, John Ward, and S. C. Wheelock.
