

Keyes, Assistant Dean, Will Accompany Musicians--To Deliver Short Speech on Activities at Harvard

An extensive tour, including stops in five cities and reaching as far west as Chicago, will be undertaken by the University Instrumental Clubs during the Christmas holidays, it was announced last night by H. de W. Wood '30, manager of the Instrumental Clubs who has just completed final arrangements for the trip.

The schedule arranged by Manager Wood calls for five concerts in as many days, the 50 members of the Instrumental Clubs being scheduled to appear at Rochester, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Chicago on consecutive days. Plans are pending for a concert at Cedar Rapids, Ia., but definite arrangements for this concert have not been completed, and there is a possibility that it may not be included in the Instrumental Clubs ininerary.

Manager Wood stated last night that in at least three of the cities where the Instrumental Clubs are to appear, there will be special entertainment for the members of the Clubs either before or after the concerts. There will be dances at both Rochester and Indianapolis, the latter to be held at Indianapolis Country Club, and there is to be a tea dance for the yisiting Harvard men at Rochester.

A feature of this year's Instrumental Clubs trip will be the fact that L. C. Keyes '24, one of the assistant deans of the College, will accompany the musicians on their excursion and, just before each performance, will appear on the stage and give a short talk about current activities at Harvard.

Manager Wood also stated last night that K. A. Perry '28 will accompany the party as a ventriloquist, and that J. S. B. Archer '30 also will make the trip as a soloist.


The complete schedule is as follows:

Dec. 26--Rochester.

Dec. 27--Buffalo.

Dec. 28--Cincinnati.

Dec. 29--Indianapolis.

Dec. 30--Chicago.

Dec. 31--Cedar Rapids (pending).
