
The Student Vagabond

Those contemplating an early return to the house parties so rudely interrupted by a compulsory first class after a holiday would do well to wait until 11 o'clock this morning. At 10 o'clock in the Music Building, Miss Rozi Varady, distinguished Hungarian cellist will appear in a program composed of selections from the works of Haydn and a group of old dances.

Women musicians of the first rank are so rare that their existence is denied by many ardent protagonists of masculine superiority, but if there are such things as first rate women artists outside the specialized field of vocal music, the consensus of critical opinion places Miss Varady among them. Although her appearance today is primarily in connection with Music 4, those responsible for the conduct of the course extend the usual cordial invitation to all members of the University. Even if it makes one late for luncheon at some gay gathering elsewhere in New England, the Vagabond recommends attendance at the Music Building at 10 o'clock this morning.

Other lectures today are:


10 o'clock


"Russian Diplomacy in the 18th Century", M. Karpovich, Sever 25.

"Schiller's Wallenstein", W. Silz, Sever 17.

"The Influence of the Frontier", Professor Perry, Emerson A.

11 o'clock

"Inferno", Professor Grandgent, Sever 19.

"Walther von der Vogelweide", Professor Howard, Sever 6.
