The shortest competition of the year for membership on the CRIMSON board will be opened Monday night at 7 o'clock with a meeting for candidates at 14 Plympton Street.
Four departments of the University daily will at this time enrol aspirants for an eight week's term of trial work. They are respectively the News, Business and Photographic divisions open to Sophomores and the Editorial Board open to Juniors.
President Gives Talk
A brief explanation of the manner matter and requirements of CRIMSON work will be given at the initial meeting by the president of the paper. Enrollment for the various departments will follow this talk.
The winter competition will be interrupted after three weeks of work in December by the Christmas recess. It is for this reason as well as for the shorter term of its duration, the easiest of the three try-outs for the CRIMSON allotted each class. A minimum of time and effort is required from candidates during the examination period.
Graded on Point Basis
Competitors in this last test for Juniors and Sophomores will be graded on a point basis according to the amount of work done and accepted. During the first week the duties will be light while the new men are familiarized with the fundamentals of journalistic work. Because of this, lack of experience does not prove a handicap at the start of the competition.