

Maeterlinck Tragedy and Renaissance Comedy Will Complete Bill--Cast for Productions Announced

The Cercle Francais has decided to attempt a unique experiment in the presentation of "Les Precieuses Ridicules" by Moliere in modern dress and with a modernistic setting, it was announced yesterday. This is the first time that the French comedy has been so produced, and an effort has been made to change the lines of the play as little as possible to make them fit in with the new setting.

Maeterlinck Play Selected

"L'Intruse" by Maeterlinck has also been chosen in place of "L'Etincelle" as formerly announced. "L'Intruse" is a realistic and tragic cross section of an evening at a bourgeois foyer.

The third play, "Gringoire," by Grenet-Dancourt, is a romantic comedy of the fifteenth century in which the protagonist is modelled on Francois Villon. All three plays, for the first time, will be wholly amateur in cast and coaching. They will be presented on the afternoon of December 13 and the evening of December 14.

Cast Is Announced


The cast of the three plays as it was announced last night is as follows:   Les Precieuses Ridicules Mascarille  W. A. C. Miller '32 Jodelet  E. S. Fetcher '31 La Grange  W. D. Carter '31 Du Croisy  E. C. Carter '31 Gorgibus  F. G. Shaw '31 Almanzor  S. R. Johnson '30 Chauffeur de Taxi  J. S. B. Archer '31 Madelon  Miss Nancy Crocker Cathos  Isabella Grandin   L'Intruse L'Ariul  W. B. Cowen Jr. '29 Le Pere  W. D. Carter '31 L'Oncle  E. S. Fetcher '31 La Jeune Fille Amee  Beatrice Clough La Jeune Fille Cadette  Helen Streeter   Gringoire Louis XI  Y. H. Buhler '20 Gringoire  W. B. Cowen Jr. '29 Olivier-le-daim  F. G. Shaw '31 Simon Fournier  W. D. Carter '31 Loyse  Laura Robbins Nicole Andrey  Helen Streeter
