The management of Freshman affairs is rapidly taking shape in the development of the newly created Executive Board, it was announced last night by W. R. Harper '30, chairman. When the nine representatives of 1932 meet at the initial conference Tuesday to inaugurate a new regime in Freshman management, they will undertake to reorganize the Red Book.
Formerly the appointments of Red Book officials have been made by the class president, who is elected soon after mid-years. Now the council will appoint these officials in the middle of December, enabling competitions for minor positions to start the middle of January. In addition, the work of the board will be lightened by the fact that all the individual photographs will baxe by that time been taken. The Red Book will be issued as usual on the day of the Jubilee, leaving a total of four and a half months in which to do less work than was formerly done in two and a half months.
Freshmen to Entertain Opponents
Another plan to be discussed at the meeting is that of freshmen hospitality men. Two graduates from each school opposing a Freshman team at Cambridge will be on hand at a reception of the schoolboy team at the Phillips Brooks House after the game. E. W. Sexton '29, chairman of the Hospitality Committee, will be at the Executive Board meeting to explain this plan to the Freshmen. If these schoolboy receptions prove successful, if is expected that similar welcomes will be given to visiting university teams in the future.
While the new Freshman board has been created chiefly to facilitate the publication of the Red Book, it is also expected to prove a powerful bond to make for class consciousness before the elections of officers take place.
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