
The Books for Last Five Years Cost $6898.96; Monitor Service $12,382.83--Area of Blue Books a Square Mile

The books for Harvard College have the University during the last five $6898.96, according to figures reality compiled. Monitor service for College during the same period took the University exchequer, $12- and telephone and telegraph service for the dean's office of the College cost $3567.57.

The greatest amount spent for blue between 1923 and 1928, the included in the survey, was in when $2164.29 was paid out. sum and the sum denoting the for blue books over a span of years, was expended for the examination books used only by undergraduate. A few of the blue books were for clerical work in the dean's though the greatest majority consumed in the hour examinations, mid-years, finals, and General Examinations. If all the pages of these blue-books could be fitted into a large area this square would approximate a square mile. The lines of writing they have enclosed, if placed end to end, would reach from here to New Haven, Connecticut.

The annual cost for monitor service shows a variation from year to year. Records for 1926-27 witness that year to have been the most expensive during the last five. During the two terms of that year $3053.80 was expended in payment of montors.

For telephone and telegraph for the dean's office, more money was spent two years ago than during any of the other four considered in the present survey, $826.75 having been taken from the University purse during 1926-27.
