The first home appearance of the Instrumental Clubs will be on Friday might when they will give a concert in Brattle Hall at 8:30 o'clock followed by a dance lasting until 1 o'clock. The Vocal Club, Banjo Club, Mandolin Club, and Gold Coast Orchestra as well as several specialty acts will be included.
The program for the concert has been announced as follows: 1. Under the Double Eagle Up the Street Banjo Club Wagner Morse Up the Street Morse Banjo Club 2. Invictus Huhn The House by the Side of the Road Galesian Football Songs Vocal Club 3. Specialty Act S. W. Burbank '29 4. Liebesfrend Kerisler Narcissus Nevin Narcissus Nevin Mandolin Club 5. Specialty Act J.S.B. Archer '31 6. Gold Coast Orchestra 7. Specialty Act Robert Reinhart '29 8. Landsighting Grieg The Bells of St. Mary's Adams Vocal Club 9. Football Medley Arranged by Rice Banjo Club 10. Fair Harvard Combined Clubs