

Complicated Football

DECEPTION in offensive football has been carried to a superlative degree by Pennsylvania. The principle is simple enough. Keep the ball hidden from the other fellow and he doesn't know where it is going. It is little wonder that the Columbia players were deceived by it Saturday, because it was next to impossible to detect who had the ball from the side lines with the aid of binoculars.

Two or three feints are made at passing the ball to other players before it finally leaves Shober's hands. And when he does pass it to another back the latter promptly passes it to somebody else. It becomes exceedingly complicated to the opposition. Even the officials run around in a state of confusion for they do not know where the ball is half the time, either.

The Way to Stop It

THE hidden ball trick is not new, for Harvard used it successfully under the Haughton regime. Pennsylvania has developed it to a higher degree of dexterity. It works perfectly against an opponent of limited power of counter-attack, but it can be and has been broken up.


Given a counter-attack of power, the forwards smash through and bowl over every possible ball carrier in sight. Certainly, if they tip them all over, they are sure to get the one who has the ball. It isn't necessary to ferret out the secret of the hidden ball mystery to stop the play.

Hardly a Secret

THE strange thing about Pennsylvania's football legerdemain is that the whole world doesn't know out it. The Quakers used a squad of almost fifty men all these players knew all about it. When that it can hardly be called a secret.

Of scouting a play of this sort, because it plans and specifications to explain it thorough The only practical way to scout it would be backs may have the ball and the best way to four before they had a chance to say "Now.

substitute complex. They started just as Rockne often does, but it the game Penn kept sending in .

It must hav squad up late nights teaching so many Penn reserves are hardly ever sent in singly platoons, companies and regiments.

THE abandon with send substitutes into games naturally brings u as to where it is all going to stop. As it is now, it is impossible to keep track of them with accuracy. It would require a corps of secretarial experts to keep accurate account on the bench. Those football squads recruited from large student bodies have a decided advantage over the squads recruited from the smaller college organizations.

Some day there may be a new football rule limiting the number of players that can be used in a game. Less important rules have received favorable consideration. Unless this is eventually done, there is grave danger that there will be no room in the stadia except for reserve football players.

Manhattan's Generosity

MANHATTAN COLLEGE displayed a nice bit of sportsmanship as a result of the victory over C. C. N. Y. at the Lewisohn Stadium. This game was not only an upset in the anticipated football results but a more serious upset to the C. C. N. Y. young men who were bold enough to offer from
