
Route by Way of Woonsocket and Willimantic to New Haven Avoids Traffic--Cuts 12 Miles off Providence Post Road

For students planning to drive to New Haven for the Yale football game on Saturday the automobile route by way of Woonsocket, Chepachet. Willimantic, Marlboro and Durham is recommended.

This route besides being 12 miles shorter than the Providence, New London road, and eight miles less than by Worcester and Springfield, avoids the heavy through traffic on the two main routes, and runs through no large cities, such as Worcester or Providence. The road is well paved throughout, and has sufficiently easy curves to allow for fast traveling almost the whole way.

The route follows--Starting from Cambridge any route to Dedham may be followed, the best known road is via the Cottage Farms Bridge, the Arbor Way and Center Street, U.S. route 1. At the Dedham Court House turn right on High Street and then keep left at next fork onto U.S. route 3, through Westwood, Medfield and Millis.

At West Medway keep left, leaving rout 137 and continue through Belling ham taking a right fork to Woonsocket Continue through Woonsocket, keeping straight road through at all intersections, following Putnam signs and beyond the city turn right into route Follow this number through Chepachet bearing to the right there.

Five miles beyond Chepachet at prominent cross roads in the open country, turn square right onto U.S. route 6. Continue on this, following Hartford signs through Dainelson and Willimantic. Just beyond Willimantic take prominent left fork, U.S. route 8, and a few miles beyond take another prominent left fork onto route 111. Follow this through Marlboro to Middletown and turn right at the end of the main street, and then left onto route 111 From here on, follow the main highway through Durham, where the route number changes to 114, to New Harves joining route 5 just this side of the city.
