
In the Graduate Schools

Survey of Records Evinces Doubling of Service

A survey of the records of the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau reveals a doubling this year of the number of cases completed at this time last year. The records also show a similar doubling occurring several times in the last three years, both in the figures for the first month and a half of each year and for the total number of cases handled in a year.

By the middle of November, 1925, 12 cases had been handled, by the middle of November the next year 28, by the same time last year 35, while 65 cases have received attention to date this year.

Last Year the Busiest

The totals for the last three years are 56, 197 and 203 respectively. Last year's figure is the largest for any one year since 1914, when the Burean was founded.

At least half of the clients this fall have been members of the University, all of whom have been given legal advice and counsel without charge. The remainder of the clients have been largely from the City of Cambridge.


The list of cases includes 12 on domestic relations, ten on wage claims, eight on automobile accidents, eight on real estate claims, six landlord and tenant cases and four will cases. Other miscellaneous cases were a suit against a former tenant who smeared creolin all over the wall of her apartment when forced to leave, and a suit by a woman who fell in a badly lighted stairway, for whom the Legal Aid Bureau won $150.
