Gardner Lothrop Lewis, Jr., '30 was appointed chairman of the Senior Dormitory Committee by the Student Council at a meeting held last night. Lewis will be in charge of the assignment of rooms in the Yard for next year to members of the present Junior class. The other member of the Committee are not yet been chosen but will be announced by Lewis in the near future. The method of room allotment for next year's Seniors will not be determined until the new Committee has been formed and held its first meeting.
House Plan Discussed
The bulk of the Student Council meeting last night was consumed in discussion of the new House plan for the sub-division of the College. President Lowell reviewed the history and purpose of the plan and pointed to various difficulties which would have to be never come in its execution. The members of the Council then sought enlightenment on various points which were still obsurce to them.
No formal Student Council committee to draw up specific suggestions or to sound undergraduate opinion was appointed. It was decided to leave the piston for individual discussion, Council members being urged to bring forward any recommendations or objections that might come to their attention in conversation with undergraduates.
It was not definitely decided whether the Council should appoint a Committee is a later date to embody its reactions to the House plan in a report or not.
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