For the first time in a score of years there will be no football rally before the Yale game, it was announced last night by W. S. Youngman Jr. '29, manager of the University football team.
The decision to abolish the traditional pre-game mass meeting was made at a conference between Head Coach Arnold Horween '21, Captain A. E. French '29, and Manager Youngman.
Instead of the usual rally, more will be made this year of the final open practice session of the team in the Stadium Thursday afternoon, Youngman announced. The Harvard band will march through the dormitory district gathering supporters on its way to Soldiers Field, where the procession will go into the Stadium to watch the team go through its final practice in Cambridge. Cheer leaders will be on hand, and there will be ample opportunity for the College to show its support, which was the purpose of the rallies at the Union. It was felt that the rallies did the team no good which could not be obtained through an enthusiastic final practice session.
The coaches feel that the place where cheering does the most good is the Bowl during the game, and that the players would benefit greatly from a long nights sleep before leaving for New Haven.
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