

Blue Holds Firm, Within Three-yard Line on Two Occasions--Third Yale Victory for Casey

For the third successive season a Casey coached Freshman eleven triumphed over its Yale opponent, in a closely contested battle in New Haven Saturday. The final score was 7 to 6, each team scoring in the last few minutes of play.

A greater indication of the strength of the Crimson team is indicated by the fact that 16 first downs were piled up by the 1932 backs, in contrast to three credited to the Elis.

Several spectacular runs by Booth, the Yale captain and halfback, forced the Crimson to take the defensive deep in their own territory early in the game. But a counter-attack due largely to the superb broken field play of F.J. Gilligan '32, brought the wall to the Blue one-foot line at the opening of the second period. A stubborn Eli defense resisted and took the ball on cowns. A second time a vicious assault in which Gilligan figured prominently carried the ball to the three-yard line, where the Yale forward wall again held firm.

Freshmen Resist Yale Attack

Yale several times pushed the ball to a scoring position when Booth forced his way to the five-yard line in a series of brilliant open field runs. But in each case the Harvard line resisted the attack.


The third quarter was marked by the resort on both sides to an aerial game, which proved threatening but ineffective, and it was not until the middle of the final period that Gilligan slid through the Yale line to place the Crimson once more in scoring position on the three-yard line. Four downs were required to push the score across. Bernard White '32 kicked the goal.

The Yale score came in the last few minutes of play when a penalty of 40 yards inflicted on the Crimson Freshmen paved the way. Jones, substituting at half back, eluded the defensive tacklers for a total of 38 yards in three plays, finally scoring from the two-yard line. The try for point failed.

The line-up and summary follow: HARVARD 1932  YALE 1932 Record, Thompson, l.e.  r.e., Tyson Finalyson, Kuen, l.t.  r.t., Hall Myerson, Ginman, l.g.  r.g., Rotan Cunningham, e.  c., Betner Foristall, Draper, r.g.  l.g., Ludwld Faxon, r.t.  l.t., Auchionloss Mouschegian, r.e.  l.e., Lindenburg Mays, Crickard, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Muhlfeld, Bachman, Helm White, Devens, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Uthlein, Jones, Ingram Gilligan, f.b.  f.b., Gould, Currie

Score--Harvard 1932, 7; Yale 1932, 6. Touchdowns--Gilligan, Jones. Points after touchdown--White. Referee--T. A. Scanlon, Fordham. Umpire--W. S. McCannell, Tufts. Linesman--L. O. Kirksberger, Washington and Jefferson. Field Judge--H. E. Vansurdam, Wesleyan. Time--15-minute quarters.
