
Talkies Will Supersede the Movies But Not Legitimate Drama--William Hodge Also Upholds Censorship of Plays

"The 'talkies' have great possibilities, and they will probably in a great measure supplant the movies, but I don't think anything will ever take the place of the legitimate stage." Thus William Hodge, leading man in "Straight Thru the Door," answered the query of a CRIMSON reporter yesterday as to the effect of the talking movies on the stage.

"No reproduction can ever be just like the human voice, and as a result people will always go to the theatre. Also, the 'talkies' are bound to drag in a long play. I can see how short comedies, farces, or one act tragedies could be put across and interest maintained all the way through, but I don't think one would like to go to a talking movie of a Shakespearean play."

In answer to a question as to his opinion of the famed Boston censorship, Mr. Hodge expressed himself as being heartily in favor of it. "The theatre is a place for everybody, and so I think only things should be shown to which you could take a young sister. There may be plays of value to mature people which will be lost by this, but there is a place for everything, and the stage is primarily a source of amusement for all ages."

Speaking of schools of Drama Mr. Hodge said that he himself had had no connection with them, but from what he, had seen of people who came to him from such schools he thought that it was a case of the individual not the training. "A good actor so loses himself in his part that the gestures and movements which he uses are not something he has learned, but the natural expression of what he is saying or doing."

Mr. Hodge has written and produced his last eight plays himself, as well as playing the leading part in them.
