
In the Graduate Schools

Three Prominent Authorities Contribute to Next Issue

Yesterday, on publication of the November number of the Harvard Law Review, H. T. Austern 3L, president of the Review, announced the feature articles which will appear in the December issue.

Corwin on Constitutional Law

E. S. Corwin, McCormick professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University is writing an article on "The Higher Law Background of American Constitutional Law," of which a second installment will appear in the January issue of the Law Review. The article will be in non-technical language, so that it may be interesting and understandable to everyone.

Victory Morawetz L '78, a foremost authority on corporation law in New York, has written on "Preemtive Rights of Shareholders," and Lewis Posner, prominent New York attorney, will have an article on the "Liability of the Trustee under Corporate Indenture."

The Review will also publish a table showing the number of students from the various parts of the United States.


The complete list of officers of the Law Review Board for this year is as follows:

H. T. Austern 3L, president; R. H. Field '26, treasurer; Leon Pressman 3L, note editor; E. C. McLain 3L, case editor, and David Miller 3L, book review editor.
