
American Opera Company Will Start Its Second Season in Boston This Month--Aim is to Popularize Opera in English

The following article on the aims and purposes of the American Opera Company was written for the Crimson by Aaron Richmond, Boston manager of the organization.

The American Opera Company comes to Boston on November 26, at the Colonial Theatre, for a second season of classic opera in English. Under the auspices of the Massachusetts Association for the Promotion of the American Opera Company, of which Edward Burlingame Hill '94 of Harvard University is honorary chairman, this company is working toward a many-sided ideal, the popularization of English opera.

Russian by birth, staunchly American in spirit, and one of the best directors of opera to be found. Vladimir Rosing, director and originator of the Company, maintains, that the United States has an operatic message to give the world, as noble as that of Germany or Russia; but as in the case of other countries, it will never be given until American has opera, rendered in her own language. These classics in English are not written down to an uncultured public but upon an intellectual plane. Last year, during the first professional season of the Company. Mr. Rosing proved to the satisfaction of critics that English is as artistically singable as other languages in which great opera is written.

Make it Economic Proposition

Making it an economic and civic proposition, and bringing it home to each individual, Mr. Rosing and the sponsors of the Company point to the millions of dollars spend by Americans each year on the musical education of children, and say that after they are educated, these young people have little opportunity to display their talents adequately. For, with few exceptions, the American artist has little honor in his own country. It is desired to establish the fact that American artists are as good as any, and that the United States can provide a training equal to that secured anywhere else.


Another ideal of the company is to popularize opera by giving it to the public at regular theatre prices. They contend that more people would attend opera if prices were not so exorbitant for the average purse.

Four Cities Are Visited

New York, chicago, Boston and Washington, the only cities to witness this unique group of Americans showing the new and modern type of "music drama," have been eulogistic in their praise of the new school of musical show which these singers give. The Americans treat opera as a "good show" and act and sing it as such, surrounding their own efforts with the most magnificent scenery ever sent out of New York City with any operatic group.

The operas to be given are--First week: Monday evening, November '26, Butterfly: Tuesday evening, November 27, Fausta: Wednesday matinee, November 28, Carmen: Wednesday evening, November 28, Figaro: Thursday evening, November 29, Martha; Friday evening, November 30, Faust; Saturday matinee, December 1, Butterfly: Saturday evening, December 1, Carmen.

Second week: Monday evening, December 3, Carmen; Tuesday evening, December 4, Butterfly; Wednesday matinee, December 5, Pagliacci and The Legend of the Piper: Wednesday evening, December 5, Faust, Thursday evening, December 6, Figaro; Friday eveing, December 7, Carmen; Saturday matinee, December 8, Faust; Saturday evening, December 8, Martha.
