Fresh from their recent victory over the fast Pennsylvania soccer team, the University eleven meets the Springfield College players on Soldiers Field at 2.30 o'clock today.
The scoring power of the soccer team should be materially aided by a recent shake-up in the lineup. Throughout the season the strength of the eleven has been in the sterling play of the defense men, while the forward line has been almost powerless to score. In last Saturday's encounter the defense men finally came up to the forward line to kick the goals. So today's encounter will find E.J. Des Roches at center forward and Louis Kerness '29 at left fullback.
The lineup follows: J.P. Faude '31, g.; Kerness, l.f.b.; A.M. Stollmeyer '30, r.f.b.; A.S. Rudd '29, l.h.b.; W.D. Carter '31, c.h.b.; J.R. Bland '31, r.h.b.; E.J. Grover '31, o.l.; J.W. Carrigan '31, i.l.; Des Roches, c.f.; W.D. Vogel '30, i.r.; E.C. Tatham '31, o.r.
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