Courses in which more or less continuous attendance is required for real benefit to the listener, under which category come most of the sciences, ordinarily cannot attract the transitory attention of the Vagabond. One exception that has managed to attract his wandering steps for several successive times is the course being given by Professor Hurlbut on English Literature of the first half of the XVIII century. It comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 in Emerson J, and he passes on the word with confidence others will find their way there too.
Other interesting lectures for today and tomorrow are:
9 o'clock
"Moh Tsu; His Theory of Social Origins", Professor Porter, Sever 25.
10 o'clock
"Primitive Industries--Textiles", Professor Dixon, Peabody Museum.
"Relations between the French Ministry and Chamber", Professor Yeomans, Harvard 1.
11 o'clock
"Samson Agonistes", Professor Rice, Emerson H.
12 o'clock
"Proportional Representation", Professor Holcombe, Harvard 2.
"Donatello", Professor Post, small Fogg lecture room.
2 o'clock
"Virgil's Genius in the Pastoral", Professor Greene, Sever 14.
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Appleton Chapel