Final plans for the semi-final arguments of the Ames Competition on November 22 and 23 were announced yesterday at the offices of the third year Law School clubs.
The judges sitting in the court for the first case are the Honorable S.L. Moulton, Justice of the Supreme Court of Vermont, Honorable R.L. Davis, Justice of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, and Honorable J.N. Proskaner, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York. The clubs in this case on common law marriage are the James Bryce club, represented by H.V. Colby 3L, and D.A. Wieland 3L, versus the Edward Warren club, represented by F.W.R. Pride 3L and R.K. McConnaughey 3L.
Judges Picked for Second Case
The judges for the second case, concerning closed payment on a certified check, are Honorable C.F. Stearns L '93. Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, Honorable J.A. Lowell '91. United States district judge for Massachusetts, and Honorable A.W. Johnson. United States District Judge for Pennsylvania. The clubs arguing the case are the Cardoza Club, represented by Harry Brown 3L and Logan Fulrath 3L versus the Pollock-Choate Club, represented by H.F. Blumenberg 3L and S.W. Livingston 3L.
Cases to be Held in Langdell
Both the cases will be held in Langdell Hall Centre at 8 o'clock, although it is hoped that the final arguments in January may be held in the auditorium in the new wing of Langdell which is now being constructed.
An effort will be made this year to have the Ames Competition cases presented in non-technical language as far as possible, so that the arguments will be more intelligible to the outsider.
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