
The Student Vagabond

The last of his hour examinations, the last major game at Cambridge, and the happily diminuendo echoes of the campaign make the Vagabond feel that one stage of the college year is past. In support of this impression is the fact that the last of Professor Hazard's public lectures occurs this after noon. He speaks in Emerson Hall at 5 o'clock on "Paul Claudel et Paul Valery".

Other lectures of interest today are:


9 o'clock

"The High Calcareous Alps of Switzerland", Professor Collet, Geological Museum 41.


"Origins of Fasclsm", Professor Elliott, Sever 5.

10 o'clock

"Foreign Policies of Peter the Great", Professor Karpovich, Sever 25.

"Corneille: Le Cid", Professor Morize, Harvard 6.

"The Beginnings of American Revolutionary Literature", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.

11 o'clock

"Character of Roosevelt", Professor Cabot, Emerson N.

"Inferno", Professor Grandgent, Sever 19.
