

Harvard Gridiron Scrubs Play Well to Win 26 to 13--Town Team Defeated for First Time in Two Years

Displaying the best football it has shown this season, the University seconds defeated the Arlington town team 26 to 13 on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon.

That the scrubs met no mean opponent is proved by the fact that the Arlington eleven had not been beaten in the past two years. The Arlington players this year, however, were unable to cope with the aggressiveness of the Crimson aggregation.

Game Exciting Throughout

The game, although loosely played, was exciting all the way through, being characterized by many long runs and forward passes. The passing combination of T. H. Peirce '31 and R. B. Covel '29 worked well, with the latter on the receiving end. Robert Gilmor '31, who was the individual star of the game, made the third touchdown on a brilliant 35 yard run. T. H. Morris '29 made the fourth tally on an off-tackle play. G. L. Lewis '30 kicked two of the points after touchdown.

The summary follows: HARVARD  ARLINGTON Lewis, Edwards, l.e.  r.e., Wright Upton, Norris, l.f.  r.t., Couroy, Lombard Hanson Alexander, Brown. l.g.  r.g., Kelleher Warner, Nee. c.  c., Davis Budd Brookfield, Dwinell, r.g.  l.g., Tiscabage Johnson, Campbell, r.f.  l.f., Edson, Cederheluf Harding, Hemminger, r.e.  l.e. McLean, Neimy Covel, Morris, q.b.  q.b. Olson Gilmor, Owens, Junkin l.h.  r.h. Condon Peirce, Goggins, r.h  l.h., Agruf Dwinnell, Kiser. f.b.  f.b. Robertson


Score Harvard, 26; Arlington, 13. Touch downs Kiser, Owens Morris, Gilmor. Olson, Agruf. Goals Lewis A. Robertson Referee R. W. Brown. Linesman D. Y. Tuman Time 12 minute quarters.
