The nightly routine of the members of the Harvard Brown Derby Brigade who campaign for Smith was disturbed Tuesday night when four members of the college Democratic unit were suddenly precipitated into a street riot in Worcester, it was announced yesterday.
The Cambridge orators had taken up their stand Tuesday evening opposite Mechanic's Hall in Worcester where a Hoover rally was being concluded. As the throng of Hooverites filed out of the building shortly after the Harvard men had swung into action, the praises of Smith fell upon their ears discordantly. Believing if the most effective method of silencing their antagonists the Republicans began to shout loudly.
The brown derby speaker, finding it impossible to make himself heard, was forced to stop and his audience turned upon the G. O. P. hecklers with considerable fury.
A milling crowd of several hundred quickly assembled around the Harvard speaker, V. R. Booth 21., who form his position of vantage in the back of an automobile witnessed the scenes of conflict for several minutes before missiles made him seek retirement.
The other Harvard Smith men who were clustered about their automobile attempted a pacific non-partisan interference but where discouraged by promiscuous shoves and blows. In response to a belated riot call the police at length arrived and forthwith broke up the altercation. The Harvard men were asked to continue their activities further down the street. They accordingly walked three blocks under the protection of the law and found a more favorable location where the speakers resumed their campaigning undisturbed. The brown derby unit will continue its work throughout the week. F. A. Ballard 1L., G. W. Harrington '30, P. W. Mahady '30 and Booth were the members under fire at Worcester.
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