

Chairmen and Treasurers of Four 1932 Dormitories Named--Will Take Care of Class Activities

The Class of 1932 for the first time in the history of Freshman class administration at Harvard will be presided over by its own representative body with a member of the Student Council at its head. At 7 o'clock next Tuesday this innovation will take effect when the chairmen and treasurers of the Dormitory Committees in the four Freshman Halls will meet in Claverly 53 to have their first discussion of Freshman affairs. W. R. Harper '30, the member of the Student Council who has been placed in charge of Freshman affairs, will preside.

Harper Remains Chairman

The Committee of nine men will not elect a chairman from the Freshman class but will retain Harper as chairman. When a president of the class is elected later in the year with other officers who may take over the duties of the committee, the councilmen will confine themselves only to the activities within their own dormitories. No proctors will be included in the membership of this temporary Executive Council.

Resides attending to the general activities of the class the committee is going to endeavor especially to eradicate some of the minor faults in the Red Book management and try to get it started earlier. The council will also busy itself with the usual Freshman smokers which take place in the fall.

The following Freshmen have been named executives of their respective Dormitory Committees:


McKinlock Hall: Robert Perkins Post, chairman; James Barr Ames, treasurer.

Gore Hall; Edward Catlin, chairman; Edmund Austin Mays, treasurer.

Standish Hall; Beekman Pool, chairman; Crispin Cooke, treasurer.

Smith Halls: Reginald Chauncey Robbins, Chairman: Geoffrey Whitney Lewis, treasurer
