

College openings, equinoxes of the sun and the end of daylight saving time to the contrary the summer is not over for the vast body of Americans until the World's Series has come and gone. Today when the two best baseball teams in the United States meet in New York for the first game in this year's series, not even the autumn chill that usually accompanies it will turn the minds of on lookers from the great national game to those more vigorous fall sports soon to eclipse it. For the next week baseball is king in the sports world and speculations over the strength of the Yale eleven must give place to arguments over the relative merits of Haines and Hoyl.

Those uncertainties that are the making of horse races and most other contests as well are of great abundance in the series that begins today. The heroic performances of Ruth and Alexander in the struggle of two years ago between the same clubs are remembered and the chances of duplication discussed. Will Comba and Pennock be able to play, and will Yankee slugging break through Cardinal pitching? Such are the questions that will animate barber shop debate, for the next few days and cause thousands of fans to storm the gates, ruin their hats and larynxes and regain their youth in a grand orgy of sport mania.
