

Freshmen Commence Indoor Physical Training Monday

The indoor season of the Freshman physical training program will start on Monday. The indoor sports which Freshmen may enter on Monday are basketball, boxing, squash, and wrestling.

Instruction in basketball will be given on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in class sessions by J. S. Malick '27, 1927 University basketball captain. Larry Conley, the University boxing instructor, will conduct regular Monday, Wednesday, and Friday periods as in the past. Squash classes will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays under the supervision of R. F. Middleton 2L. Wrestling classes will meet daily.

The Freshman fall tennis season will end on Friday, while Dormitory football will continue through November 9. Touch football for Freshmen will begin November 5 and will continue for three or possibly four weeks, depending on weather conditions. Dormitory practices and touch football games will begin at 3.15 o'clock
