Harvard men have traditionally considered themselves immune to the charms of the feminine division of the University, but this blind confidence has been proven groundless. Indeed statistics recently acquired show that no inconsiderable part of the undergraduate body succumb to the attractions of their Cambridge neighbors.
Radcliffe students of the past have shown a decided preference for Harvard men, in fact 53 per cent, of the students who have succeeded in getting husbands have obtained them from Harvard.
According to what 1.561 of Radcliffe's married Alumnae have said on the subject in a recent survey, the college woman most decidedly prefers the college man for husbands of 1.211 of these women, or 7$ per cent, have had the advantages of higher education. Only 350 of this number or 22 per cent are married to men who have not been to college, making the proportion nearly four out of five of men with the higher education.
Among the Harvard group of husbands, 496 men, or 39 per cent studied for the A B degree and 176 took higher degrees at the University after graduation from other institutions. The college appearing to suffer the second heaviest inroads from Radeliffites, is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology which has 66 out of a total of 1.211 or 5 per cent.
Mutely attesting to what lengths the marital guest must have proceeded, the statistics show that 33 Yale men were accepted. Yale comes under the wire third. The remaining husbands were derived from colleges all over the country A few were educated abroad.
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