

"Les Surpriges du Divoroe" by Bisson and Mars Picked--Will be Presented in December

The Cercle Francaise yesterday announced the choice of "Les Surpriges du Divorce" by A. Bisson and Antony-Mars as its fall play. It is to be given sometime in the early part of December.

"Les Surpriges du Divorce" was first produced at the Theatre du Vaudeville in Paris where it met with considerable success. In 1912 it was given by the Cercle Francaise and in consideration of its reception then and its general excellence as a comedy they are planning to give-it again. The play is in three acts and calls for 11 characters, six male and five female. Monsieur Perrin will again direct the production A very modern theme runs throughout and, as the last line says, as a comedy it is a real "bolte a surpriges" The complicated matrimonial connections of the characters furnishes a rather amusing plot with an unusual and unexpected denouement.

The Cercle Francaise is planning to give several other plays later on during the year, the texis of which have not yet been selected. The present officers of the organization are W. R. Cowan, Dr. '29, president, and P. H. Rhinelander '29, secretary-treasurer. The office of vice president is temporarily unfilled.
