The whole country is agog over the Joe Forecast presidential prognostications, begun in last week's CRIMSON. Al. Smith made a trip to Boston to see me about it, and I agreed to meet him at the corner of Massachusetts and Huntington Avenues, Wednesday night. But I was so besieged by my admires, as I always am on my infrequent public appearances, that poor Al couldn't get near me. So he is still in the dark about the campaign.
Hoover Sends Telegram
And Hoover took a few minutes off from writing his autobiography. "From Infinitive Splitter to President," to send me a long telegram. He didn't exactly offer me a bribe, but don't be surprised to see Joe Forecast Secretary of Agriculture some day. Joe, Junior, tells me that is a good job for me, since there won't be any agriculture if Hoover is elected. But don't mind little Joe.
Cannot Be Bribed
Seriously, however, I cannot be bribed by any man or group of men. Nor can I be intimidated. Indeed, the little woman herself than whom no one is dearer to me, didn't speak to me for days after I announced that 'Massachusetts would go for Smith. So don't be surprised if I pick Smith in a lot of other states from now on. For Mrs. Joe, a saintly woman in her way, is inclined to talk too much. I may have to do something about her later. She will be a handicap to me some day. I can foresee people saying, "Can you imaging Mrs. Forecast in the White House?"
For it is no secret to my admirers that I intend to enter the field myself some time. But more of that later. I don't wish to detract interest from Hoover and Smith in the present campaign. I'll just let a little more information leak out about the election:
New York-Smith;
New Jersey-Smith;
West Virginia-Hoover;
North Carolina-Hoover;
South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkausas, and Texas, will still vote against U. S. Grant. Order next Saturday's CRIMSON now for the rest of the states.
I had almost forgotten football in the heat of all this politics. But I know you will want to hear about it:
Harvard 13, Dartmouth 7.
Yale 14, Army 6.
Princeton 27, Cornell 7.
Tuffs 20, Brown 12.
B. C. 27, B. U. 0.
Wisconsin 20, Michigan 0.
Ohio State 20, Indians 6.
Purdue 14, Chicago 7.
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