The whole country is agog over the Joe Forecast presidential prognostications, begun in last week's CRIMSON. Al. Smith made a trip to Boston to see me about it, and I agreed to meet him at the corner of Massachusetts and Huntington Avenues, Wednesday night. But I was so besieged by my admires, as I always am on my infrequent public appearances, that poor Al couldn't get near me. So he is still in the dark about the campaign.
Hoover Sends Telegram
And Hoover took a few minutes off from writing his autobiography. "From Infinitive Splitter to President," to send me a long telegram. He didn't exactly offer me a bribe, but don't be surprised to see Joe Forecast Secretary of Agriculture some day. Joe, Junior, tells me that is a good job for me, since there won't be any agriculture if Hoover is elected. But don't mind little Joe.
Cannot Be Bribed
Seriously, however, I cannot be bribed by any man or group of men. Nor can I be intimidated. Indeed, the little woman herself than whom no one is dearer to me, didn't speak to me for days after I announced that 'Massachusetts would go for Smith. So don't be surprised if I pick Smith in a lot of other states from now on. For Mrs. Joe, a saintly woman in her way, is inclined to talk too much. I may have to do something about her later. She will be a handicap to me some day. I can foresee people saying, "Can you imaging Mrs. Forecast in the White House?"
For it is no secret to my admirers that I intend to enter the field myself some time. But more of that later. I don't wish to detract interest from Hoover and Smith in the present campaign. I'll just let a little more information leak out about the election:
New York-Smith;
New Jersey-Smith;
West Virginia-Hoover;
North Carolina-Hoover;
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