

University and Freshman Outfits Outrun Opponents-University Wins 28 to 34

Two Dartmouth cross country teams met defeat yesterday at the hands of the University and 1932 harriers in the face of icy winds which chilled the thinly club athletes to the marrow.

The University team just succeeded in taking the first three places, which resulted in the Crimson securing the better end of the 28 to 34 score. The eighth place was the only other that they could take, however, for the Green contingent presented a number of lightfoots.

The first ten places were taken in the following order:

Leslie Flaksman '29, R. C. Aldrich '31, J. L. Reid '29, W. C. Gould (D), J. C. Huckins (D), L. F. Andrews (D), William Bertram (D), A. G. Thacher '29, V. M. Welsh (D), J. B. Rick (D).

Flaksman covered the five and a half mile course in 28 minutes 34 seconds.


The Harvard first year men found no trouble in taking eight of the first ten places to win 15 to 40. N. P. Hallowell '32 covered the Freshman course in 17 minutes 55 seconds.
