
The Student Vagabond

The following lectures should be of particular interest for today and tomorrow:


10 O'clock

"The First Romanovs," Professor Karpovitch, Sever 25.

"The Puritan, a Moral Athlete," Professor Perry, Harvard 6.


11 O'clock.

"Das Nibelungenlied," Professor Howard, Sever 6.

"The Hague Peace Conference of 1899," Professor Wynne, Harvard 3.

12 O'clock.

"Monasticism in England," Professor Whitney, Emerson 3.

"Individualism in Italian Renaissance Art," Professor Post, New Fogg Museum, small lecture room.


9 O'clock.

"Seventeenth Century France," Professor Moore, Andover Hall.

11 O'clock.

"Reorganizing the American State," Professor Sly, Sever 23.

"Early Archaic Greek Sculpture," Professor Chase, New Fogg Lecture Room.

12 O'clock.

"The Pragmatism of James," Professor Hocking, Emerson D.

2 O'clock.

"The Origin and History of Birds," Professor Allen, Zoology Lab. 46.

"Benito Pablo Juarez," Professor Haring, Sever 7.
